January 2021 Forward Friday Minutes


/ January 2021 Forward Friday Minutes

January 2021 Forward Friday Minutes

Unity Party January 2021 Forward Friday Zoom Meeting Minutes

  • Monthly National Zoom Meeting (open to all members) – 1:00pm MST


  1. Bill Hammons of Texas
  2. Eric Bodenstab of Colorado
  3. Tim Wolf of Colorado
  4. Elijah Herson of Colorado
  5. Donnie Harris of Indiana
  6. Steve Zanto of Michigan
  7. Blake Huber (Approval Voting)


  1. Colorado Voter Information 
  2. Boulder County Site  
  3. Donnie Harris, Candidate US Senate for Indiana
  4. Media

Colorado Voter Information

  • Eric gave a brief rundown on our member trend numbers
  • Generally we take close to 2/3 of our membership between 18-45
  • Slight tendency for male membership in progressive communities 
  • Longmont is a promising city within the Front Range,  El Paso County numbers also demonstrate relative strength (perhaps in part due to a strong Unity candidate in 2020)
  • Elijah will help make a graphics page, heat map

County Websites

2022 Candidates

  • Donnie Harris on the call for Indiana Senate 2022.
  • He discussed some of his platform – Climate, Civilian Enforcement
  • Running against Todd Young
  • Note that there will be a requirement of 2% of the votes for Sec. of State for petitioning on the ballot (during the 118 period in the spring of 2022).  
  • He will need help and Unity Party of America will assist
  • Press release forthcoming


  • National Media Deficit (lame duck period)
  • Bill knows national anchors and others are opening his emails, we’re just looking to get picked up more
  • More traffic on unityparty.us than RNC site on at least one point in the past
  • New Content on our own sites trumps social media – Generate more!
  • SEO
  • Paid Advertising may not be cost-effective

Why Unity? – Generate content, videos, and letters on what brought us to our political movement.

Ended 2:15 MST.



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