Unity Parties Nominate Candidates


/ Unity Parties Nominate Candidates

Unity Parties Nominate Candidates

Eric Bodenstab
Communications Director, United National Committee
(719) 800-1604


Unity Parties of Colorado & America Nominate Candidates

Broomfield, Colorado, April 6, 2020 – The Unity Parties of Colorado (https://unitypartycolorado.com/) and America (https://unityparty.us/), in addition to passing several new and timely party bylaws along with 11 plank additions to the national party platform, nominated several candidates for Federal office, from the US House to US Senate to President and Vice President of the United States.

The list of Uniter Nominees is as follows:

  • Bill Hammons > President of the United States
  • Eric Bodenstab > Vice President of the United States
  • Stephan “Chairman Seku” Evans > United States Senate
  • Paul Noel Fiorino > Colorado’s 1st Congressional District
  • Gary Swing > Colorado’s 2nd Congressional District
  • Critter Milton > Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District
  • Rebecca Keltie > Colorado’s 5th Congressional District

“I thank all Uniters for a very productive set of conventions, and I congratulate my fellow candidates, in their historic diversity, on their placement onto the November General Election ballot,” says Unity Party of America Chairman and newly-minted Presidential Candidate Bill Hammons.  “Our very efficient operation has already filed the vast majority of required paperwork as of Monday morning, my running mate Eric and I will work to place our ticket on as many state ballots in addition to Colorado as possible in the coming months, and I look forward to all Uniters working in a United fashion as our country, ready or not, enters into the Brave New World created by this global Coronavirus Pandemic.”


About the Unity Party of Colorado

The Unity Party of Colorado has been officially recognized by the State of Colorado since D-Day, 2017 as an official party with the right to place its nominees directly onto General Election ballots thanks to multiple successful petitions of Unity Party candidates over the preceding years. Its official website is https://unitypartycolorado.com.

About the Unity Party of America

The Unity Party of America was founded on November 4, 2004.  This Centrist national political party now covers 40 States — latest State: Wyoming — is officially recognized at the State level as a result of successful Unity Party candidate petitions as well as at the Federal level (FEC # C00591313), and has fielded several 2020 candidates in multiple states for all levels of Federal office. Its official website is www.unityparty.us.

This communication paid for by the United National Committee.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.



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