2 thoughts on “Unity Party of Alaska

  1. I am seeking party affiliation as an Independent candidate for Office of President, 2020. I was a registered candidate in the 2015-16 Presidential campaign and election years, however, I was censored and was not given access to the public by means of media and newsprint in the State of Alabama or elsewhere. It is vital that I address the general public on issues and to present my platform. I would like to offer the State of Alabama and this country an alternative option for economic and national security concerns. Do you know of any 501(c)3 Organizations who will sponsor PSA advertisements detailing the issues involved? I would like to speak with your members and the public concerning options for implementation of new civilian and military transportation, jobs, etc. and supporting infrastructure for economic growth. A grassroots campaign is still needed to make this option available to the nation in 2020.

    William Bowhall

    Phone: (334)610-6130
    E-mail: Honeybeargold@Yahoo.com
    Filing ID# FEC-1331440
    Comm. ID# C00706945

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    My name is Mark B Graham and I am seeking party affiliation as an Independent candidate for Office of President in 2020. I was a cabdidate for President in 2008.2012 and in 2016.My platform is is to rebuild our infrastructure for economic growth to name a few.

    FILING ID-1227233
    FILING FEC-P80003544
    FEC ID #: C00495739

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